Our mission
The real change, what's left, happens one step at a time.
Sustainability is a path, not the destination.

Organic hemp
Being the strongest natural fabric, hemp guarantees durability and longevity.
It has a high resistance to UV rays, allowing the fabric to retain its dyes more than any other natural fiber.
Hemp is antibacterial, which makes it a fabric with exceptional performance.

The Nopal cactus used to make Desserto is grown on a ranch in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. The mature leaves of the cactus are harvested every 6-8 months according to the growth cycles of the cactus. No watering is required.
The collected leaves are left to dry in the sun, after which they are transformed into powder, mixed with non-toxic binding materials and shaped into the Desserto material.

Uppeal™ is made by recovering a waste product, which would otherwise be wasted, and transforming it into the final material we use to make accessories. It is vegan and cruelty free.

Corn and rPET
Innovative fabrics born from an organic base obtained in two different ways and also combined with each other, from organic corn and recycled PET recovered in environmentally risky areas.
There are several Italian companies, for example Fiscatech and Coronet, which actively invest in research and development and increasingly use energy from renewable sources.

Ohoskin è l'azienda Siciliana, di Catania, che ha creato un innovativo materiale grazie al recupero dei prodotti di scarto alimentare. Attraverso un percorso di lavorazione specifica questi ultimi vengono miscelati con biopolimeri e resine naturali per creare un materiale sostenibile e di ottima qualità.